Québec's Law 25: How Does it Apply to Your Business and What Do You Need to Know?
In our ever-evolving digital landscape, the importance of privacy and data protection cannot be overstated. Québec's Law 25, which came into effect on September 23, 2023, represents a significant shift in privacy regulations for businesses operating in the province.
To help you adapt and thrive in this new era of privacy compliance, we invite you to explore our latest blog post. In this comprehensive guide, we break down the essential aspects of Law 25, including the appointment of a Privacy Officer, mandatory incident reporting, data portability requirements, and much more. Whether you're a for-profit organization or a not-for-profit entity, understanding and complying with these regulations is critical.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and ensure your business is well-prepared for the challenges posed by Québec's Law 25.
Click here to access the blog post now.